You’ve heard a lot about meditation and mindfulness–two cornerstones of contemplative practice. But do you really know what they are and how they can help you live your best life? You can get the basics of contemplative practice in a series of five short videos from Dave Brisbin–what you should know and why you should care to engage, basic concepts and and specific practices.
Contemplative practice is an approach to spirituality and life that is experiential rather than intellectual (philosophical, theological, doctrinal). It’s a portable, non-religious spirituality that helps us step away from the noise of our conscious minds to develop the awareness and presence we need to see the connection in life and our relationships.
To dig further into contemplation, you can download two ebooks by Dave Brisbin that go into more detail than the videos. These ebooks are meant to follow on from the video series, so if you’ve not seen the series, you can find it here, but the ebooks will stand on their own as well. This first one details more of the Contemplative Experience, the concepts and benefits of engaging contemplative practice. Click the image or text to view or download the .pdf.
Once you’ve read this ebook, click here to read Ebook 2, which details more of Contemplative Practice, the specific practices and techniques that can make contemplative experience a way of life. And for a quick start guide to Mindfulness Exercises, click here.

The Contemplative Experience, Ebook 1