Friday | November 22 | 6:00PM | @theeffect
Friendsgiving: Thanksgiving Dinner and Gathering
Dinner, music, gratitude, good friends
When we think of Thanksgiving, we first think of family around a packed dinner table, but friends are family too…we just need a bigger table.
Whether you’re a regular family member at theeffect or a friend of the family or just have no place else to be, come join us for a Friendsgiving dinner, time to connect, laugh, talk about the reason for the season, and practicing gratitude as the default attitude of a fulfilled life.
It all starts at 6P. Turkey and ham on us and potluck side dishes if you can bring a favorite dish, but all welcome regardless! Then around 7P, we’ll move to our main room and get people talking about what is most meaningful and gratitude-inducing in their lives.