We believe that true and lasting change does not occur from the top down or from the outside in. And since the most effective communication is always one on one, a few individuals at the top of large organizations, controlling operations and resources over wide areas can’t do what small groups, deeply embedded in local communities can do.
True and lasting change comes from the bottom up and from the inside out, from the grassroots efforts of many people affecting others one on one, or in small group settings. A vast network of small organizations could transform society in a way governmental or other global controls will never touch.
theeffect is always working to remain intimate and relational, preserving the ability to work directly with people in their daily lives–to be a grassroots movement toward connection within the community. We recognize the conflict of interest that comes with the accumulation of assets and real estate, so we wish to own as little as possible and to have our assets continually moving through to the people we serve rather than stored in accounts or real property.
We need facilities in which to operate, but we look for ways to partner with other organizations or individuals to make creative use of space that doesn’t involve huge expenditures. We need cash to operate, but we raise that money for specific and immediate purposes that would allow the assets to always be in motion, just as God’s spirit is always in motion.
We rededicate ourselves to these principles every day, so as not to fall into the trap of accumulating wealth for its own sake rather than for what it can do in our hands to improve the lives of others.